I have been developing web based applications for the past 2 years and writing a piece of code that would work in IE is always a PITA (Pain in the A**). When a organization called W3C is defining standards that the web browsers should follow for rendering the content, what would it cost for M$ to follow them? Every time you write a code one has to do special checks for IE and handle it specially. So at the end of day the code looks like
if (Internet Explorer) {
do something big and complicated to achieve something small
} else if (any other browser) {
write a simple code that work on all browsers.
Alright, I write this code and the next step is debugging. Browsers like Firefox provide so much facilities to add 3rd party plug-ins into the browser. Many of these plugins are for developers to help them in debugging HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Network traffic, load time, etc. But unfortunetly the most popular web browser doesn't have any of these abilities and it just dumps with the most idiotic error messages in the world. Some of them i encountered are
- 'null' is null or not an object
- Unspecified Error.
- 'undefined' is null
- Syntax error
IE-5 = (Some functionality + Bugs)
IE-5.5 = (IE-5 + Some more Bugs)
IE-6 = (IE-5.5 + Some more Bugs)
IE-7 = (IE-6 + Some more Bugs)
IE-8 = (IE-7 + Some more Bugs)
and none of them shows any improvements in its functionality and this is not acceptable.
Long live Internet explorer!!!
P.S: This post just contains my personal view about the mentioned products and in no way represents my employer or colleagues