Saturday, March 28, 2009

New members

Yesterday we added two new members to our house. They are just meant for entertaining us and nothing else.

Member 1:
Name: Tropicana Bowling Kit
Origin: Pins from Vinayaka Bakery and Ball from Sapphire

Member 2:
Name: Monopoly
Origin: Sapphire (a Toy shop near Garuda Mall)

The fun has just begun.. :)


Vijesh said...

The bowling is quite innovative.. :)

Arun Raghavendar said...

Thanks Vijesh!!
Even guests are allowed.. Rs. 20/- per game per head.. ;)

Vijesh said...

Ah.. Intha dealings enaku pudichuruku.. ana konjam costly..

Arun Raghavendar said...

Tropicana Twister 1 Bottle is Rs.22/-. For special discount 1 Tropicana Bowling game is Rs. 20/-..;)

Tom Praison said...

As in other bowling arena we don't have automated machines to arrange the pins. So we have to do it manually. Considering this fact 20Rs is less :)

DK said...

nice ones...20 rs la over...kall adi than :) ...

Vignesh Mohanakrishnan said...

Nice Pics

Yes i will become a member there.. Do members have concessions?

I expected some TOP Spinning pics but it was missing

Arun Raghavendar said...

Maintenance is tough da..Thats why.. :D

Members don't have any concession in rates. Maybe you can have 5 top spins for free.